INTRESTING FACTS ABOUT MAGI: 1. Jesus, the Messiah was born in Bethlehem, Judea and the people in Israel were ignorant of the fact, but the magi were able to recognise that a King has been born from a far just by seeing the star. 2. They were ready to travel miles just to see the King, so the Star guided them directly to Jesus. (Daniel 12 :3 ~ They that lead others to salvation will shine like stars forever... Revelation 22: 16 ~ Jesus, the Bright Morning Star 🌟⭐) 3. Though they had travelled miles with the thought and expectation of seeing a king, they did not doubt on seeing Jesus in a manger. But, rather they bowed down and worshipped Him. 4. When they were warned by God in a dream to travel by a different route, they were ready to disobey even the king... Things to Ponder on 🤔🤔🤔: 1. Am I able to recognise and accept God's plan or will when the circumstances do not look like it??? 2. Like the star am I leading ot...
Many a times we come across cross roads of life (What do i study??? Should I study further or work??? Which guy do I marry???, etc.,) & find difficulties in taking decisions. At times we feel that we are wise enough to make decisions on our own & that we do not need any person to interfere in our life... Our Almighty Righteous God takes great intrest in our personal lives & no one in this world apart from Him can ever be a perfect guide, mentor or instructor.. He has the most beautiful wonderful plans for our life. 1. In Genesis 25: 23 -2 we read that Rebekah went to enquire to the Lord when she had a wierd sensation in her stomach. At present scenario, doctors might be able to predict the gender of babies, the no. of babies, the physical condition of a baby... but as she enquired God, He gave her a brief update of the life history of the kids. 2. Acts 9 - After Saul's first encounter with God on the way to Damascus, he did not go for consulting physicians ...