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What do U want me to do Lord???


God has specific plans and purpose for each individual. He has created each one of us in a unique way in His image, to be a channel of blessing to many.

Many a times, we never realize the plan of God.

"What do you want me to do Lord?" was the question asked by Saul during His first encounter with God (Acts 22:10, Acts 9:6).

Maybe that was the turning point in His life!!! 

God gave him a clear cut directions and used him as a instrument to carry His name before the Gentiles, Kings & Children of Israel.

👉 Paul was submissive to God's calling
👉 Had great zeal to do God's bidding
👉 Was ready to suffer for Christ...

Things to Ponder:
1. Am I seeking God's will?
2. Am I submissive to His calling??


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